Friday, December 5, 2008

Word of the week

Well, this is War of the Words...

I have declared myself the unofficial Word of the Week person. I just noticed that Word of the Week and War of the Words have the same abbreviation. (WOTW) So, every week (It's more accurate to say 'every week I remember to do it'.) I'll post a random word and it's meaning. (Like I said, only if I remember.)

So, this here's the first word. (I get my definitions off of Wiktionary, but I paraphrase sometimes, just in case you wanted to know.) (I usually make up the sentences. That's why they aren't very good.)


Part of Speech - Adjective
Definition - Possessing wisdom and discernment
Sentence - We walked across the town in search of the sapient doctor.
Synonyms - wise, sagacious,

Post comments on my word of the week. You guys can suggest words if you want to.
Thanks for reading this!!
--Ninja Vampire--


Lightningwriter said...

Sapient... It's got a nice ring to it. Maybe it's because I'm sapient, right?

Ninja Vampire said...

I bet you're not sapient, Lightning. jk lol. You comment on all my posts; it makes me feel important. :-) rofl

Mrs. Cheney said...

I love this idea. Keep it up!

Kimberly said...

This is such a good idea!