Friday, December 5, 2008


So...I wrote and a book in two parts. The first part I started when I was ten and completed when I was thirteen. The second part was started at that time but never finished. Reading through it, you can totally tell the different writing style as I got older and the story changed and didn't make sense throughout the book. Is is worth re-writing the whole thing and finishing it so that it makes sense? Or is that a waste of time and energy? Please help me with this...I want to be able to sleep at night over it.


Ninja Vampire said...

If you really like the storyline, then go for it. If you are bored by it and can't stand to do it again, then give up and make up something new.

Michelle said...

I agree with Ninja Vampire :D it's all your opinion on whether or not you think it's worth fixing.

xI dont need to be straight edge to be better then youx said...

well this is just me and my saying
i probly wouldent do it unless you really liked the story line like Ninja Vampire said if you like the story line otherwise i wouldent do it XD PEace