Friday, December 5, 2008

Ew ew ew

I'm hard at work editing my prologue right now so I can post it here, and it's not that fun because I'm really tired and I'm eating this way gross macaroni my 11 year old brother made. If any of you are on the blog right now at this moment, please comment on this because I really need someone to talk to. My house is so quiet, because my siblings are all upstairs watching Scooby Doo and eating repulsive macaroni.

I'll have my prologue up soon, I promise. Not that any of you care. It's not that good, anyway. And it's way way way long for a prologue. And confusing. And dumb. And boring. I'm running out of adjectives, but you get the idea.

Will someone please tell me why my brother put spinach in macaroni? Ew ew ew. It looks like dead seaweed that's been trampled.

Ninja Vampire


Lightningwriter said...

Not that any of us care? Why wouldn't we care? I bet your prologue is great. And why did your brother put spinach in the macaroni? Hey, he's a little brother, for goodness sake.

Lightningwriter said...
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Eve said...

I agree with Lightningwriter! Why wouldn't we care? You need to be more confident. It's going to be great! And, your brother is probably just like my big brother, trying to experiment with food and see what combinations taste good together.

Annie Bakker said...

dude seriously have to agree with them. but if you wnat gross foods my older sis put katchup and mustard and relish in roman noodle broth stuff and made me drink it!! ew!! I'll tell you gross!!

Eve said...

ooh! The thing to put in the ramen noodles is hot pepper paste! You can get it from almost any Asian market. It's in a red container. It is sooooo good in ramen! You just get a spoonful and stir it in! And also tuna and egg work well too! Yum!