Wednesday, July 29, 2009

writers block

hey so i know like no one is ever on anymore and stuff but i was woundering if you guys have any answers/cures i guess you could say to writers block i havent been able to put anything down for the longest time!! it sucks!


Michelle said...

I know writer's block sucks, and sadly the best cure sucks. But the best way to get past it is to just write. It may sound dumb or it may be about nothing at all but you can fix it later, and hopefully you'll start thinking up ideas again. Hope that helps!

Kimberly said...

Mysti has a point. One thing that helps me is to look back over my old writing. Often there is something there that can be changed, worked over, or that starts a new idea flowing. List making is good. Describing in lots of detail what you ate for breakfast... good luck!

Annie Bakker said...

lol thanks guys ill try it!!