I walk tip-toed onto the cold, shiny floor
It seems as if nobody's watching.
I glide as the music blares hard through the speakers
So loud my feet jump off the floor.
Without rehearsal I know all the steps
They're racing through my body.
The beat sets in and my heart starts pounding.
I leap and twirl and all the earth seems to fade away

I'm in my own world
Just me and the music
In a silent, unconscious state.
I forget all my troubles and take flight across the stage
The lights turn on and the drapes part
They all can't help but stare
To watch me feel, hear, and breathe pure energy.
I become as if I were flames
Hot, flickering in the darkness
Moving in my own special way
Soaking up the oxygen and releasing it with great, bold, power.
My soul was alone on that stage
Revealing my deep passion
It was simply like magic
Special and strong, making all things possible.
My confidence kept my moves sharp
Popping and sprinting within my hearts every desire.
It all suddenly ended when the music came to a stop
I saw all the people in the audience
Clapping and cheering for me
But the only thing I could hear was the beating of my heart.
Everything literally faded away.
Then I opened my eyes
It was another one
Another blackout
This time I crashed
Like only a few times before
But then a warm hand helped me up
He held me close and whispered into my ear,
"Keep dancing...I was the only one watching"
Well I was dumb and didnt read the explantion first but to tell the truth i didnt need it. I loved every part of it! you were way discriptive and it totaly made scence! good job!
Aw! I loved it. :) I agree with flaming star, you where very descriptive and it held my attention easily. Keep it up!
I loved the ending it was so sweet!
I liked it a lot, and I have a real tough time following or understanding most poems but this one was really easy to read. (THAT IS NOT A BAD THING) It was very sweet.
I have gotten some great poems from scribbles after dreams too. Your dance imagery is powerful. As a fellow dancer (and also one who is inclined to black out without warning!) I completely felt your poem. I loved the "flames, hot, flickering in the darkness...soaking up the oxygen and releasing it with great, bold power." What an amazing image...dancer as flame.
Yet it feels not quite finished...I think you could find a stronger title for such a strong poem.
Amazing picture by the way...
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