New Goal
I have decided to re-write my unfinished novel "A Wonkle Journey". It will be a long road of headaches and determination but I believe that I can make it work. I have already started by editing what I have so far and I have written a rough copy of the first page or so of the story. I hope to have this completed by the end of the school year or sooner. Any ideas or suggestions on how to make this easier or what to do would be much appreciated. (Don't hesitate to check out my blog "Behind The Wall..." and comment on those entries either). Thanks a bunches!
Here's a suggestion that helps me with runthrough editing.
If you get bored with what you're editing, change it!! If you're bored by your writing, your readers will be too.
dose this mean that im not allowed over at your house cuz your editing
Yay! I'm so glad you're sticking to it! I'm working on editing one of my books too. . . but I have so many others that I want to work on and editing is so BORING! So I haven't really gotten to it yet.
Professional writers are always going through the process of writing and re-writing. Don't be afraid to make major changes. Don't keep a character or situation that isn't a perfect fit simply because you're attached. Understand that this is a process everybody goes through. It is tedious, but you can do it! Keep us posted.
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