Sunday, December 28, 2008
your majorly desperate friend flaming star
Friday, December 26, 2008
Something New
This is all I have written for a “story” that can’t really go anywhere..
Something must be new every day.
This seemed to be the outlook on life for Ziggy Stardust*. He did not acknowledge its meaning in his life, but it was surely subconsciously there. Every day he set out the day with the goal of getting a new experience, good or bad, as long as it was new.
The end.
*I guess I shouldn’t keep the name Ziggy Stardust. It’s just a great song by a great singer and basically the best name of all time. But maybe I should have something more ordinary, no? O_O
Thursday, December 25, 2008
1-I just recently got a new phone with a working screen, so stay tuned for more random and freaky cell-notes from Amerah Ames!!
2- Things Everyone Must Do Before They Reach Their Demise:
Write a stupid list that no one cares about.
Be serious at times and funny at times.
Draw a hippopotamus
3- Continued.
Become an internet superstar.
Listen to The Beatles
Read a book and cry about it.
Go to a Weird Al concert.
Keep some kind of journal/personal narrative.
4- How can you be pro-life and anti-gay?
5- Queen is truly musically dynamite with a laser beam. I love them more than a fat kid loves cakes and shakes. (As a YouTube friend once said about The Killers)
6- It’s impossible to say I love you to someone who is roughly 3.8 times your age and can smack you with an accordion.
7-Do you want to be a microphone?
8- “I’m fine, but I still hear those voices at night.” (The Killers, Spaceman)
9-On December 2nd, I found the perfect banana.
10-“Don’t want to harmonize with you..with me.. Change KEY! I need a nap!” (Kate Winslet, Weird Al Yankovic, I Need A Nap)
11-“I closed my eyes and she slipped away… more than a feeling, when I hear that old song they used to play…” (Boston, More Than A Feeling)
12- “:Don’t make me slap you.” (House, Hugh Laurie) ENDOFTHEWEEKENDITIS
13- I just heard “Human” by The Killers twice in a row. On the radio.
14- “You say I’m obsessed, I say I’m in love” ~The Killers (The Killers, Desperate)
15- “Life has a funny way of helping you out.” (Alanis Morrisette, Ironic)
16-FATALITY! Teeeheee! (Nigahiga, How To Be --- videos)
17- I’m DOOMED as DOOMED can be you know! (Martin Short, Saturday Night Live)
18-The Unabomber…is WEIRD AL YANKOVIC??
19-“I live in a VAN, down by the RIVER!!” (Chris Farley, Saturday Night Live)
20-“How long have you been seventeen?” “Awhile. Just like every young actor in Hollywood.” (Twilight/High School Musical Spoof, YouTube)
21-“That’s just wiggity wiggity wiggity WHACK!” “Crack is whack.” (some song and Whitney Houston.)
22-“Hurry up, hurry up hurry up and wait!” (Blondie)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
How Do You Know?
Well I don't. I never blogged before in my life....
But I didn't post this to whine about my lack of blogging expertise, I'm posting this to ask a question.
How do you know if a book is worth revising and editing?
I wrote a book and I'm wondering if the plot and story is even worth rewriting and editing. So how can you even tell?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Word of the week
So, I tried to find something Christmasy for you guys, but I failed. Unfortunately I am not sapient enough to mitigate the sadness you have due to the sad fact that I am unable to find a Christmasy word. Yay! I used both of the other words of the week in the same sentence. That was sorta random, though.
Here it is!!
Oh, and again, I don't want the Wiki nerds to sue me for all I'm worth, so the credit for this goes to Wikipedia. (No offense the the Wiki nerds...)
Part of Speech - Noun
Definition - the act or process of being transformed into a different form
Sentence - Um, I can't think of one. Leave a comment with a sentence you thought of that contains this word. Please. Thank you.
--Ninja Vampire--
Friday, December 19, 2008
I Don't Know if I Wanna Post my Nonsense! (:
So I'm at my grandma's right? And she sends me to find her shoes. I guess she lost them in a stratus cloud. So, like a good little girl, I run to fetch them. I climb up the never-ending stairs and step into K-Mart. Ring, ring. It's my mother dearest.
"Where are you?"
"Washington D.C."
"What?!" My mom promptly freaks out.
"Oh, don't worry. I have my noteworthy design tucked safely away in Miami."
"Oh!" she lets out a gust of relieved C02. "Tell your duck I said hi." So I hang up and start walking away from the K-mart. My duck is nowhere to be found. She's probably hibernating with her friends. I step into the busy street and dodge Superman as he flies super-sonically fastly by. I wave and scowl. Superman isn't as neato as my Elvis impersonator friend thinks. Sometimes I hate my brain, I mutter to my indulgent mind. I silently make a vow to kill every pigeon that has ever lived as one flies by my ear. I shoot out a limb and kick it. It does a double back-flip and then bounces on the ground like a rubber bouncy ball. I immediately feel euphoric and jog the rest of the way to the Toast Emporium.
My pocket vibrates and I answer my phone. Somebody I don't know says: In Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this more than 100 years before either moon was discovered.I blink in shock."Hum. I learned that last year in Sunday School."
"I know you did."
"Who is this?" I ask with a slight tremor in my voice.
"Your worst nightmare. Muahha--" I promptly hang up to give him the burn of never finishing his evil laugh. I run, run until my legs burn. I take a seat in the Emporium and ask the kid seated next to me if he's ever been lonely in a crowded room. He gawks at me and then scoots over a couple of seats away.
It was then that I saw my Grandma's pink shoes on the kids feet. My pupils get smaller and my nostrils flare. I jump up and grab him by the fro, he shrieks and shields his mouth. My scowl deepens and I yell ""Inventario II" ("Inventory II") compiles the poems in Spanish that Mario Benedetti wrote from 1986 to 1991. But... who is Benedetti?. That is an extremely pertinent question, especially in the USA, where not many people know him (unfortunately for them, I might add). He is a very gifted poet and writer, born in Uruguay in 1920, who had to abandon his country for quite a few years due to a military dictatorship in his country... In my opinion, some of his books are wonderful, and "Inventario II" is one of them. I generally don't like poetry, but after borrowing this book from a friend out of curiosity, I decided to buy it!"
I let go of his fro and take off his blue shoes (they change colors). I look back as I walk out of the double doors. A single tear rolls down my hot cheek as I throw a dryer sheet to him. I jog back to Washington DC and give my grandma her shoes. Then I walk to school. ...I had a good day.
This is an original rough draft of a script that I wrote for my video Year On Youtube. It's kind of different from the actual video, which is what happens when one does improv "comedy."
Act 1:
1:Wow, it's been a year since my first YouTube video!
2:Yeah, you know. That one suckish one with my freakin' awesome cat in it?
3: (Looks around)
4: Well, it's been QUITE a year.
Act 2:
1: so it's been pretty awesome, I mean... my videos haven't improved that much, but what can I say...
2: I love you guys who are, you know, easily amused.
3: You're my favorites.
Act 3:
1: So, look at this thing I got... it's so neat, it's an award thing...
2: Well, actually, it's a syrup bottle spray painted gold.
3: I got it from a church thing.
4: They gave it to us so we would feel good about our achievements or something, I don't know.
Act 4:
1: So you may be asking, "What's your point, you crazy?"
2: And here it is: I would like some of you (or all of you) to participate with me in this lovely time.
3: Here's what I want you to do.
Act 5:
1: It would be the greatest if you would ask me a question.
2: Any question, really. As long as it's appropriate or what-not.
3: Wouldn't want anyone to be upset.
4: It can be something about the videos, or something generally about... me... or my buddies that are in the videos and stuff.
5: Or if you feel like it, you can answer MY question.
6: What's your favorite video, and why?
7: So yep, just comment on the video and ask and answer some questions, kay?
Act 6:
1: After I get the questions/responses I need, I'll make a video about the questions I got and their answers.
2: Also, I'll talk about what people said about their favorite video.
3: It will be off the hizzy, so please comment!
poem explanation
The Only One That Matters...Is the One That Helps Me Up When I Fall.
I walk tip-toed onto the cold, shiny floor
It seems as if nobody's watching.
I glide as the music blares hard through the speakers
So loud my feet jump off the floor.
Without rehearsal I know all the steps
They're racing through my body.
The beat sets in and my heart starts pounding.
I leap and twirl and all the earth seems to fade away

I'm in my own world
Just me and the music
In a silent, unconscious state.
I forget all my troubles and take flight across the stage
The lights turn on and the drapes part
They all can't help but stare
To watch me feel, hear, and breathe pure energy.
I become as if I were flames
Hot, flickering in the darkness
Moving in my own special way
Soaking up the oxygen and releasing it with great, bold, power.
My soul was alone on that stage
Revealing my deep passion
It was simply like magic
Special and strong, making all things possible.
My confidence kept my moves sharp
Popping and sprinting within my hearts every desire.
It all suddenly ended when the music came to a stop
I saw all the people in the audience
Clapping and cheering for me
But the only thing I could hear was the beating of my heart.
Everything literally faded away.
Then I opened my eyes
It was another one
Another blackout
This time I crashed
Like only a few times before
But then a warm hand helped me up
He held me close and whispered into my ear,
"Keep dancing...I was the only one watching"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Meeting this Thursday
Thanks for leaving such great comments here on the blog. I hope you all find the feedback valuable.
We'll see you on Thursday! Spread the word to your friends. We'd love to have a nice big group.
Monday, December 15, 2008
My Poem Below:
I thought it might help you guys reading my poem so that it makes more sense if I told you about the scene in the story.
So basically it's about a girl named Nicole (who is a Wonkle: similar to an elf) who ventures out on a journey of self discovery. One of the last places she ends up in is a labyrinth that has many mysteries and twists within its walls. Her and her friends she has with her get into a fight and they travel away from each other. Eventually Nicole gets lost and finds herself in this blinding white abyss where she can't tell which way is what or where the ground ends and the sky begins. This place seems to go on forever and Nicole becomes a little insane. She becomes so insane she wishes to kill herself in order to escape it, but finds she cannot bleed or die, the blood would stain the everlasting white of the place she's in and death is not heard of. She is in this abyss for approximately two years before she finds a little shadow in the far distance which turns out to be a white patch of grass with a white tree bearing white fruit. So she is pretty happy she found this. Eventually she gets out... but you'll have to read the story to find out how.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
All around me is white.
Piercing, blinding, eternal blank
All my emotions have slowly sank
Deep into the everlasting walls
That seem to swell in these bright halls.
I have the sudden urge to kill
Though my blood will not spill
My tears they shed of the past
A sign of hope, I see at last.
A patch of grass so white and fine
White as snow, the tree is mine
The fruit will keep me live and well
Until I die my soul will dwell.
The Memory of Annie
Basically, the thing Charles found that looks like a pocket watch is called the Memory Watch. It can be used to go into memories and even alter them, if the holder of the Watch wanted to. Gemini was the only one who was able to use it, but when she was captured by her enemies, who want the Memory Watch for their own for the power to alter the enemies she gave some of the power to Charles so he and Paige could find her.
Charles and Paige are in one of Paige's memories, right in the middle of their expedition to find Gem and they come upon a hospital, a hospital Paige recognizes well.
Just a little note to add: the people she sees are only memories, so they don't see her. The other Paige is her from her past.
I feel like I'm not getting the mood through well enough. Please give me some suggestions!
"Charles, I know Gem told us not to split up, but. . . I really just want to go in by myself," Paige said slowly. She knew this hospital. And a part of her knew what she would find in there. It wasn't a memory she wished to relive.
"Okay, I'll search the other buildings," Charles said, catching the serious tone in her voice. He headed off down the street.
Paige approached the entrance of the hospital slowly. She dreaded what she might see inside, but somehow she knew she had to see it once more.
When she entered, she should have come into the waiting room. Instead she found herself just outside one of the rooms, face to face with a replica of herself, only the girl was about two or three years younger than the present Paige was.
The younger Paige didn't see her, just like all the other memories. She walked past Paige, towards one of the doctors. "Are you positive about this?" she asked. Her voice shook.
The doctor looked sadly at the other Paige. "I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do now. We've tried everything - nothing has helped. You can see her if you want. . . there won't be much time left for you to do so."
Paige nodded weakly. She turned and headed into one of the rooms. The Paige of the present followed silently, like a ghost. Numbness kept her only dimly aware of where her legs were taking her.
Paige from the past was greeted warmly by a small girl in a hospital bed. It had been the first time she'd seen her young friend without needles in her wrists and so many other things. It had also been the last time.
"Paige!" the girl cried happily.
Younger Paige mustered up a warm smile, hiding her feelings. "Hello, Annie." She sat down at the end of the bed.
Annie had been small in the first place. Now, after she'd fallen ill, she'd lost so much weight Paige wondered if there was anything left to lose. Her hair clung to her pale skin, soaked by sweat from a cruel fever. She looked so frail, but somehow her big blue eyes managed to remain bright.
"I've missed you," Annie told Paige.
"I've missed you, too," Younger Paige replied, but the real Paige knew what she was really thinking: I'm going to miss you.
"Paige? I don't want to draw or play games or anything today. I'm a little tired." Annie coughed violently then, and she didn't stop for a long time. Present Paige felt her own heart break to hear that, knowing by the look on Annie's face how much this sickness hurt her.
When Annie was finished, she fell back against her pillows. "Will you just sing to me today? I like you singing to me."
"Of course I will," the younger Paige said, and Paige could almost remember that lump she'd felt in her throat at that time.
Somehow, though, she managed to sing. It was a song she had made up with Annie a week or two after they'd met, and it was about Annie, as a beautiful princess, who was loved by all in her kingdom.
Annie smiled. Younger Paige looked away so she wouldn't see her cry. Her singing was strained as she tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to come, but Annie still had that huge smile on her face; she didn't care how it sounded, she just cared about the person who was singing it.
Paige felt tears of her own spring to her eyes. She swiped them away quickly, though she knew no one could see. It's not fair, it's not fair, she thought, no one like this deserved to die.
She couldn't stay there a moment longer. She fled from the room, out onto the sidewalk of the hospital. The tears couldn't be contained any longer, but she remained silent.
When she really thought about it, it didn't quite make sense, how much she grieved. Paige had been volunteered by her mother to help out at a children's hospital, just to come in and visit the kids. She was reluctant about this, but had gone anyway, and ended up really enjoying herself. She'd loved all the children she talked to, but Annie was always her favorite.
Paige hadn't gone to the hospital since Annie's death. It wouldn't be the same, to never be able to see the small girl's bright smile.
She turned left, the opposite direction Charles had gone in. He couldn't see her like this. She knew he would demand to know what happened, and she didn't want to talk about it. So, against Gem's wishes and her own intuition which was, for whatever reason, warning her not to, she wandered off.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Word of the week
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to soften or make milder
Sentence: Derek mitigated the tension between his band members by treating them to pizza.
By the way, I have to give credit to someone so I don't get sued for everything I'm worth. The credit for this goes to this book we have called SAT Score-Raising Dictionary. Yeah, it's a boring name.
--Ninja Vampire--
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hay I also need lots of help on the title! (and the rest for that matter!!)
I turned to see who it was. Although I hadn't heard the voice in years I knew exactly who It was. It was Mike Lester I couldn't remember the last time I saw him. But there he was standing in the restraint my father owned (and where I currently worked as a waitress.) It was odd to see him there, like a forgotten memory from so long ago that you just happend to remember.
“Addie is that you?” he almost yelled.
His sudden realization broke through all the thoughts and questions going through my head.
“Ya its me.” I barley managed to choke out.
“You've changed!! Well I guess five years will do that to you! I love your short spiky hair!”
My short brown spiky hair what did that have to do with anything? Well at least I figured out how many years it’s been.
“Addie? Addie are you ok? You don’t look so good. Maybe you should sit down.”
There was concern in his voice. Just like on the day he moved. The day he asked me the very same question. But that was five years ago when we were seventeen….
“No. No. I’m fine. Its just. I cant believe its you! You look exactly the same well except now your not a string been! Just kidding you look great! What are you doing here? And has it really been five years?”
There were so many questions I wanted to ask him. But I let him answer the first few before I laid the rest of my questions on him like a truck dumping its load.
“Ya it has and am I supposed to-”
“ADDIE!!” my dad screamed from the kitchen interrupting Mike. “Stop wasting your time talking and get to work!!!” I called back “dad I um. I’m taking the rest of the day off to um. To well hang out with an old friend." And so we left.
Monday, December 8, 2008
My Blog
Which One?
Here they are:
Millennia War--
This book is placed in a country where the men all must fight in battle in a land across the sea. Zak is around 19 years old and is about to cross the sea to join the fighting in the war that has lasted a thousand years. Along the way, he meets a friend or two and become separated from the army. He and his new companions must find their way back to the battlefield while avoiding the dangers along the way.
Genre - Action Adventure / Fantasy
Bully Agent--
Steven is a secret agent that is assigned to protect students from bullies and the other dangers of school life. He notices a particularly dark teacher that he says resembles a spider. He sets out on a mission to find out who this teacher is, and why she is so cruel to her pupils. If anyone will find out why, Steven Zorga will!
Genre - Teen Life / Sci-Fi
Moon of Malgharen--
This book's main character is one out of a thousand that has been born with the powers of the Tekala. Jet has the powers to shape-shift and to control metal, but he didn't obtain his powers by just luck. The ancient goddess of the night sky created the Tekala to help protect herself from the evil God of the Underlands. What will happen to Jet in this book of fantasy and warfare?
Genre - Fantasy
Tiger Talon--
This story is set in Japan, where a young ninja pushes to earn his master's respect. He obtains powers through the sacred way of the Dragon Soul. However, a shady spirit tries to kill the ninja before he can reach his full potential. The ninja must decide if he will fight, or allow all those he loves to be pulled away from him.
Genre - Action Adventure
A boy at the age of 16 has crashed into the treetops of the Amazon Jungle. The pilot is dead, and he has only his pack of supplies and his surroundings to save himself from the elements. Will he be able to find civilization, or will he have to improvise?
Genre - The closest would have to be Action Adventure.
So, remember. Vote for one. I'm looking forward to seeing which book I'll post!
A couple of thoughts from Mrs. Cheney
- I think you guys are doing a great job of giving good feedback while staying positive and supportive. Keep it up!
- There was a question about whether people could steal our ideas from our posts. Unfortunately, the internet makes it really easy for people to plagiarize. Be aware that it is possible that someone will read your idea and take it for his/her own. My advise is to be careful with what you post. You may want to limit your posting to early drafts of your ideas. You can protect your writing by copyrighting it. Look here for information about copyrighting. I will also put this link in the side bar for future reference.
- I would like to add a weekly or bi-weekly writing contest to the blog. Only contributors would be allowed to enter the contest. Please vote in the poll on the side bar so I can see if it's worth the effort.
- If you know of any events you would like to publicize on the blog, let Mrs. Kennedy or me know. I would like to list open mic nights, poetry slams, book signings, etc. If there is enough interest, we would like to get a group together to attend an open mic night in Brigham City.
- There was a question about joining the club. If you go to our school, you can join our club. We meet every other Thursday after school in Mrs. Kennedy's room. Anyone can come any time. I will add a schedule of meetings to our side bar.
- I'm glad you're enjoying this. Keep up the fun times!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
New Goal

My profile picture
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My unnamed prologue
In case you're wondering, the book I'm writing is called Darkness and it's about vampires and elves and some other stuff I don't feel like typing.
So, my prologue kinda sucks, because I'm very deficient in good writing ability. It's also, like, WAY too long for a prologue. It needs lots of help, so send me suggestions. I would make you guys a real disclaimer, but I don't really feel like typing right now. I'm way tired, but at least I'm not eating macaroni and spinach. lolz
Oh, and just so you know, the last line is the pickup for chapter 1. Also, all the confusing things in this will be explained later in the book.
Adventure is worthwhile.
Aaron walks down the dark tunnel, smiling to himself. Nothing can bring his happiness down on his day of glory. He comes to the door of the study, and sees Collin, his servant, standing in front.
“Good evening, Collin.” Aaron says.
“Good evening, Master Aaron.” Collin replies, bowing.
“Is the prisoner ready?”
“Yes, she is.”
“Thank you, Collin. You never disappoint me. You may have the remainder of the night off. Be here early tomorrow to help prepare me for my coronation.”
“Of course, Master Aaron.” Collin says as he bows once more, before swiftly walking away.
Aaron enters his study and sees the prisoner standing in the center of the circular room. She’s a beautiful young WaterMage; about eighteen years old, just like him. She has a skinny figure, with blonde hair that is streaked with blue and silver; the markers of the WaterMage. Her big, wondering eyes are emerald. Surprisingly, the girl doesn’t seem to be afraid.
“What is your name?” Aaron asks, circling around her slowly.
“Heather.” The girl whispers.
“Heather, do you know why you’re here?”
“No.” Heather replies softly.
“You’re going to help me become king.”
“I don’t see how I can benefit you, Master Aaron.” She says, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Well, I suppose I could tell you.” Aaron smiles. Heather rolls her eyes.
“As you know, we, everyone in this kingdom, are vampires. Well, it’s vampire tradition for the eldest son of the king to succeed his father.”
“That’s how it is in most elven worlds; not Syran, though.”
“Yes. Well, for a son to succeed his father here, he has to” Aaron pauses for a moment. “Kill an ElementMage with the Dagger of Eldron. I had my servants risk their lives by going to different worlds, gathering a FireMage, an EarthMage, an AirMage, a LightningMage, and a WaterMage, so I can have a choice in who I kill.” He smirks.
“And you picked me.” Heather says bitterly.
“Yes. The other ElementMages were ugly men. You are the only person who I thought someone might actually miss if you were killed.”
“Shame.” Heather says softly.
“Well, you seem to be at a disadvantage, Master Aaron. If you kill me, then you’ll never learn what I can teach you; you’ll never know what might have happened if you spared me.”
“What are you trying to play me into?” Aaron hisses.
“Nothing. I just think you should hear me out.”
“Fine.” Aaron spits. “Impress me.”
“Prepare to be impressed.”
Heather smiles, happy that she has bought herself more time. Over next few hours, Heather tells Aaron about her world and her life. Amidst this, Aaron and Heather fall in love.
(This is supposed to be a text break, but it didn't show up on the post. Pretend it's here.)
After a month, Aaron notices that Heather is upset. He had spared her because of his love for her. Now he sits in self-pity; not wanting to let her leave, but still wishing he were king. He knows Heather misses her home and her family, so he shows compassion, something he rarely does, and lets her leave. Although Heather’s upset to be leaving, she’s also excited to return to her homeland on Syran. She leaves smiling, after kissing Aaron once more and promising she will visit whenever she can. Little do either of them know, Heather is newly pregnant with Aaron’s child; the first person to ever be half elf half vampire.
(This is supposed to be a text break too.)
Nine Months Later
Heather walks down the cold tunnel carrying the most precious thing in her life; the new baby boy she had given birth to less than twenty four hours ago. Happy but nervous to be returning to the world of Eldron and her beloved, Aaron, she heads toward the study.
She pauses for a moment by the study door to look at the beautiful baby, and gaze into his emerald eyes that look exactly like hers. Taking a breath, Heather enters the cold, dark chamber. She sees Aaron, who is sitting on the crimson sofa reading a book.
During the time of Heather’s absence, Aaron had figured that Heather was never coming back. He had married Azora, a rich noble who only loved Aaron for his power.
“Aaron,” Heather says softly.
“Oh, I’ve missed you so much.” Heather says, crying tears of joy.
“I’ve missed you too.” Aaron replies. As he talks, he plans.
“This,” she says, taking the baby out of the protection of her cloak, “Is your son. I call him Shadow, because it means ‘his father’s son’ in the native elven tongue. He’s looks just like you, and he’ll grow up to be the noble man that you are.”
Aaron quickly examines Shadow. He looks almost exactly like Aaron, except he has elven ears and brilliant emerald eyes. He rethinks his plan for a moment, but decides that the baby is only a minor setback and he should continue; for he wants to be king more than he loves Heather.
Aaron slips the Dagger of Eldron behind his back, before pulling Heather closer to kiss her. She kisses him back, but she seems nervous.
Aaron lets his lips move down to her throat, savoring the time he still has with her. He lets go of her with one hand and grabs the dagger; gripping it as hard as he can. After taking a firm breath, he stabs it into Heather’s back and simultaneously bites her throat, killing her instantly.
She falls toward the floor, but Aaron stops her from hitting the ground as to not hurt the baby.
“Shadow, my son,” He says gently. “I really should kill you.” He pauses, looking at the baby’s elven ears, and his emerald eyes that look like a perfect copy of Heather’s. “But, I can’t. Someone needs to inherit the throne when my time is done. Anyway, you’re the last piece of Heather that I have.”
Sixteen years later, in another world…
I can't think of a good title for this...
I noticed you're not a contibuter... are you in the club or did someone tell you about the blog or did you just find it?
Ninja Vampire
Friday, December 5, 2008
Also it'll make no sense because you haven't read the beginning, so just read and pretend to get it, okay? And it's only a rough draft, just remember.
Paige was nearing the very bus stop they'd gone to so many years ago on that cold November day. It was now spring, but the setting was the same. A bench sat alone on a desolate sidewalk with old boarded up shops sagging behind it. Their appearance made Paige almost expect the gloomy buildings to sigh, as if they had a life of their own, one that was too gloomy to stand upright and look happy.
Today, sitting on the bench was a young boy who couldn't have been older than six or seven, for his feet dangled more than six inches above the ground. His blue eyes were concealed by a shaggy mop of light brown hair until he shook the locks out of his eyes.
Paige could see nothing that looked like something Gem would have left, but she crossed the street toward the bench anyway. She sat down beside the boy, who gave her a smile that revealed two missing bottom teeth, most likely ones that he'd lost by the way he showed them to her so proudly.
She scanned the area for some sort of a clue as to where to go next, but she could see nothing, not so much as small hint from Gemini.
"Hi," the boy said. Paige merely nodded at him and continued searching. "Whatcha doing?" the boy asked.
"I'm looking for someone," Paige replied, "Or something. I'm not really sure.
"Because. . . it's important that I find them," Paige said.
"Look, I'm not really sure," Paige told him impatiently, "all I know is that my friend has left something for me and I need to find it."
The boy was silent for a minute, which gave Paige the impression he was finally finished with his interrogation, until he asked, "But how can you be looking for something or someone if you don't even know what you're looking for?"
"What are you doing here?" Paige asked irritably, not bothering to hide the annoyance from her voice.
"I'm running away," the boy said, unphased by her rudeness.
A picture of two young girls about the same size and height as the boy appeared in her mind, one blond, the other brunette, sitting on the very same bench they were on now, both of them holding a small bag of their belongings just as the boy was.
Her heart softened for the boy who seemed so much like Gemini and herself. It made her look at him a little differently. "Oh?" she asked, "What are you running away for?"
"Because I'm nothin' but trouble and my mama wants me to," the boy said bluntly.
"Sure. She says it all the time. Why?"
Paige looked over the boy for several seconds. "What's your name, kid?" she asked finally.
"Charles E. Matthias Revin," the boy said, "and I'm seven years old, going on eight. I'm intelligent. What about you?"
"I'm Paige Tillman," Paige said slowly, and, slightly taken aback by his long response, added, "I'm fourteen."
"Pleased to meet you, Miss Paige," Charles said, shaking her hand vigorously.
"Yeah. . . okay. . ." Paige said, giving him a strange look.
It was silent for a few minutes, but of course Charles managed to break it soon enough. "What exactly are you looking for?"
"I told you, I don't know, exactly," Paige told him, "My friend just told me it was some kind of a strange device."
Charles reached into his small brown bag. "Something like this?" He held something that was in the shape of a pocket watch, but bigger. It was a gold color, shined enough that it glistened in the light of the setting sun.
"Where did you get that?" Paige asked excitedly, taking the object from his hands.
"Found it. It was sitting right here on the bench, waiting for me."
"It wasn't waiting for you, it was waiting for me," Paige said, staring in awe at the object she held, "Charles, this could be what I'm looking for! Now if I can just figure out how to work it. . ." Paige started to fiddle with the watch and found it snatched out of her hands by Charles before she could do much at all.
"How do you open it?" Charles asked, prying at the sides of the device.
"Charles, be careful! You're going to break it!" Paige reached out for the device. Charles quickly pulled it away.
"I found it!" he protested, "That means it's mine!"
"But Gem meant for it to be for me!" Paige snapped, her voice coming out in a whine. She was aware of how childish she sounded, but she didn't care just then. She just wanted to save Gemini.
My proud achievement!!
Word of the week
I have declared myself the unofficial Word of the Week person. I just noticed that Word of the Week and War of the Words have the same abbreviation. (WOTW) So, every week (It's more accurate to say 'every week I remember to do it'.) I'll post a random word and it's meaning. (Like I said, only if I remember.)
So, this here's the first word. (I get my definitions off of Wiktionary, but I paraphrase sometimes, just in case you wanted to know.) (I usually make up the sentences. That's why they aren't very good.)
Part of Speech - Adjective
Definition - Possessing wisdom and discernment
Sentence - We walked across the town in search of the sapient doctor.
Synonyms - wise, sagacious,
Post comments on my word of the week. You guys can suggest words if you want to.
Thanks for reading this!!
--Ninja Vampire--
Ew ew ew
I'll have my prologue up soon, I promise. Not that any of you care. It's not that good, anyway. And it's way way way long for a prologue. And confusing. And dumb. And boring. I'm running out of adjectives, but you get the idea.
Will someone please tell me why my brother put spinach in macaroni? Ew ew ew. It looks like dead seaweed that's been trampled.
Ninja Vampire

Ninja Vampire
I wonder...
Hey Lightning, you and me should be buddies, even though I may or may not actually know you. Apparently you're the only one posting now...
Deja Vu
So you want a War of the Words, huh?
Alright fellow writers, figure this one out:
The grimalkin deployed its ungues and sibilated a caution to the mongrel.
And in case you were wondering, yes, I used the dictionary.
Good luck! -Lightning-
Here's my Prologue!
Hello. My name, is Steven. If you looked at me, you would seeva normal boy of 14 with sandy hair and freckles. I carry the normal teenager items around with me: a wallet, a pen, a watch… but I am no normal teenager. Confused? The key word here is look. Don’t judge a book by its cover. That’s my key phrase. Things aren’t always what they seem. Most of the “normal” items you see me carrying are not considered very, well, normal.
Let me explain.
I’m a Secret Agent. I work for the UCSA (stands for Under Cover Secret Agency), and I’m in the Anti-Harassment Department. My job is to protect students from bullies. There are many young agents in the Anti-Harassment Department, But there are only a few in each school. The school I’m assigned to is Destry Ray Middle School.
My every day items are really secret agent tools. Like my pen for instance. It can be used as a pen, but it is also a grappling hook, a lock pick, a laser… My watch is a multiple gadget device, complete with radio, sonar, tripwire, and cloaking device. My wallet, I don’t even want to get into. All of these items prepare me for anything that is to come. You never know when a kid will show up at school with a gun. But, let me tell you when something major happened at school. And when I say “major”, I’m talking about bullying. Well, this major day was on the fourteenth of May, when the school lowered the price of pop in the vending machines. That meant more takers. And that meant more bullying. The victim here is named Carson Drew.
Enjoy! ~Lightning~
Well this sucks...
I'll post my prologue soon, but it still needs editing. Like, tons of editing. It's also sorta long for a prologue, but maybe I can shorten it. I'm rambling now. Well, it'll be coming soon and I hope you guys all comment on that too, because it needs help.
Hello Fellow Bloggers!
The Bully Agent
XOXOXO - Lightning
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hey, Everybody!
I just wanted to be one of the first posters...but congratulations to all those who finished NaNoWriMo and all those who tried!!! Hooray!!! Next year we hope there will be a humongous turnout, for I am going to pump out advertisements and publicize like none other.
I'll be posting bits of my NaNo Novel--"The Deliverance" soon!!!