Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So, my friend Ciara here has some random roleplaying forum characters to give away. She's got too many. I'd offer to do something myself, but I don't think I'd be any good at it... because I'm not great at that, and because it's a Twilight thinger and I'm a self-proclaimed Twilight questioner and debater. :P I don't have the links or whatnot, but I'd say if you're interested you should message her here...(Elvis Pretzel, I think).

Just trying to do a favor. :D


Eve said...

That sounds like fun! What's the vague idea of the roleplaying forum?

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

Meh I'd do it if it didn't have to do with Twilight...

Eve said...

Twiight hater, eh? :) Although Twilight has consumed the attention of many young attention spans, it is a good book. However, all good things should be taken in small doses so as not to wear it out. :)

Amerah said...