Writer's Digest holds a short story competition every month. They give you a prompt and the story must be 750 words or fewer, you can submit this through their website and the winner gets published in an issue of Writer's Digest. This month's prompt is:
"A 20-something man sits in a taxi in front of his parents' house, trying to find the strength to tell them that he (fill in the blank)."
The entries are due March 10th (I know that's short notice, but its still fun and there will be more).
Their website is also very cool, they have a lot of other competitions and tips and things on there that you should all go check out.
Thanks! :D
Thanks for sharing. I hope we can find more of these kinds of opportunities.
That seems like a really cool website!
cool! Another contest that is going on is at this website... http://www.merlynspen.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/41876
It is a contest for a personal narrative.
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