Wednesday, July 29, 2009
writers block
hey so i know like no one is ever on anymore and stuff but i was woundering if you guys have any answers/cures i guess you could say to writers block i havent been able to put anything down for the longest time!! it sucks!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
twinkeling stars and burns

twinkling stars
red flashes of light
bursts of flames
over and over it happens
out of the fire
still with the pain
the world quickly
catches a flame
running screaming
a red burst a loud crash
i quickly sit up
sweating panting screaming
another dream
another nightmare
a nurse runs in
trying to calm me
i want to run away
i fall to the cold hard floor
not caring for the pain giving up
i know its over
forget the pain
the pain that twists and turns
the pain that burns my heart and soul
the nurse picks me up
she sets me on the soft bed
she starts rubbing the burns
the big black burns that cover me, burning me
darkness gathers around me
twinkling stars beckon
flashes of lights fade
bursts of scorching currents trying to bring me back
the stars are calling
my heart stops
the pain is gone, I'm gone
gone from the pain
gone from the nightmares
now I'm free, free from everything
I'm among the twinkling stars now
and I'm never coming back
~ok im not depressed..... i think?~
red flashes of light
bursts of flames
over and over it happens
out of the fire
still with the pain
the world quickly
catches a flame
running screaming
a red burst a loud crash
i quickly sit up
sweating panting screaming
another dream
another nightmare
a nurse runs in
trying to calm me
i want to run away
i fall to the cold hard floor
not caring for the pain giving up
i know its over
forget the pain
the pain that twists and turns
the pain that burns my heart and soul
the nurse picks me up
she sets me on the soft bed
she starts rubbing the burns
the big black burns that cover me, burning me
darkness gathers around me
twinkling stars beckon
flashes of lights fade
bursts of scorching currents trying to bring me back
the stars are calling
my heart stops
the pain is gone, I'm gone
gone from the pain
gone from the nightmares
now I'm free, free from everything
I'm among the twinkling stars now
and I'm never coming back
~ok im not depressed..... i think?~
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Question for the Teachers
The end of the school year is coming pretty hastily. So what becomes of the 9th graders who were involved in this group and this blog? Do we get like kicked off or something when the year ends? Are we aloud to still come to meetings next year even thought we'll be at the high school? I have a feeling that this group (if continued) will grow and become something very cool. I want to watch that or possibly still be involved. So what can/should I do?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So um... I couldn't help but notice we haven't had a contest or anyone posting any of their work on here, so... what's going on?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Teen Writing Conference
So as some and or most of you know, there will be a Teen Writing Conference on the 6th on June (Saturday). It looks kinda cool. You guys probably got a flier for it, but here's a link just for reference:
Remember, all forms have to be mailed in by the 25th!
Remember, all forms have to be mailed in by the 25th!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Re: Poetry Slammage
Just out of curiosity, what did all of you fellows think about the poetry slam? Reactions? Observations? Claims of epic win? I'm just wondering because I have nothing better to reflect upon/do right now (besides update my actual blog for no reason other than to rant about magazines someone found, Twitter, and my age-changing thing soonish and also talking about myself in a post on a school blog that should basically have nothing to do with me). I enjoy feedback and perspective, in short, is all. So to speak.
Uhhh, personally, I thought it was neat. But I didn't really pay much attention. I had to add up numbers and whatnot. Nothing to see there.
Yes. What did you think?
Uhhh, personally, I thought it was neat. But I didn't really pay much attention. I had to add up numbers and whatnot. Nothing to see there.
Yes. What did you think?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Poetry Slam
Wednesday, May 6th will be our Language Arts Poetry Slam! We will hold a new slam each class hour. There will be 3 rounds. Please consider either competing in the slam or being a judge! Your enthusiasm will make our first poetry slam great!
Friday, April 24, 2009
rain falls
the rain falls
the river flows
wider greener
hitting the surface
it bubbles, knicks, and splashes across
trees bending over
hanging low and heavy
dancing and crying with the rain
the sky clears
everything still and dark
the bright clear moon
turns purple and falls
bringing stars down with it
sounging just like the rain
on the roof of a pavilion
the spring peepers in the swanp
singing their hearts out
all the unknown voices
calling to someone
any one
just asking to be heard.
um yea tell me what ya think! i was thinking about moving the purple one after the green but not sure so...
the river flows
wider greener
hitting the surface
it bubbles, knicks, and splashes across
trees bending over
hanging low and heavy
dancing and crying with the rain
the sky clears
everything still and dark
the bright clear moon
turns purple and falls
bringing stars down with it
sounging just like the rain
on the roof of a pavilion
the spring peepers in the swanp
singing their hearts out
all the unknown voices
calling to someone
any one
just asking to be heard.
um yea tell me what ya think! i was thinking about moving the purple one after the green but not sure so...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Exciting announcements...
So, I probably should have posted this a while ago, considering that it happened a while ago, but this is the first time I've had the time. Two things:
1. I finished the first draft of my book! It is 357 pages typed, and it will be more as I continue editing.
2. My book had its birthday! On March 19, 2008, I started writing it! I made it through a whole year!
Well, that killed a whole two minutes... now I have to get back to my boredom.
My life is a flaming ball of nothing.
-Ninja Vampire
1. I finished the first draft of my book! It is 357 pages typed, and it will be more as I continue editing.
2. My book had its birthday! On March 19, 2008, I started writing it! I made it through a whole year!
Well, that killed a whole two minutes... now I have to get back to my boredom.
My life is a flaming ball of nothing.
-Ninja Vampire
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
So, my friend Ciara here has some random roleplaying forum characters to give away. She's got too many. I'd offer to do something myself, but I don't think I'd be any good at it... because I'm not great at that, and because it's a Twilight thinger and I'm a self-proclaimed Twilight questioner and debater. :P I don't have the links or whatnot, but I'd say if you're interested you should message her here...(Elvis Pretzel, I think).
Just trying to do a favor. :D
Just trying to do a favor. :D
Friday, March 27, 2009
um here is part of my story! i hope you guys like it!
"RUN!!! Hurry go go go!!" I ushered her down behind my fathers throne. For a moment I was worried her neon blue skin and orange hair would give us away but quickly forgot about that when I heard Chad’s deep booming voice come into the room.
“Come out come out where ever you are my little princess.” He said then added. “If you be good then I’ll let you be my queen. I bet you would like that huh? Of course that little maid of yours will have to go but don’t be upset about a little thing like that.”
“Do it…now.” I whispered to Alex.
“NO!!!!!!!” It sounded just like me but from the next room over. You see Alex is a ventriloquist. She is better at it than anybody else in the whole kingdom.
“Ah. There you are my darling.” Chad was saying as he walked down the hallway into the other room. I peeked out behind the chair to see where he was. Gone. Good. I motioned with my hand for Alex to fallow me as I ran as quickly and quietly down the long hallway. We didn’t stop until we got to my bedchamber. I opened the door and walked in. Alex just stood outside the door.
“Ugh!” I cried in frustration. “Come on! No more princess crap! Get in here now!!” I pulled her in after me. She nodded once I closed the door and we went and sat n the gigantic pink bed of mine. Note to self if we live through this change bedclothes to green.
“Ok.” I said in a whisper. “You did great out there Alex but Chads not an idiot and will figure out soon enough that you tricked him.”
“ I know. I’m just still glad he hadn’t transformed yet. Its terribly hard to trick him then.” She told me in a non-whisper. I put my finger to my lips and she nodded. ”Sorry.” She whispered
Phew. I thought to my self. At least that’s over for now.
“ What do we do now. He already has your father and more than half the kingdom locked up! There’s nothing we can do. He’s going to find us kill me and use you to do and go wherever he wants when he wants!” she started to cry. And why shouldn’t she I thought she has every right to be scared I thought to myself.
I took her by the shoulders and gathered her into a hug. We stayed like that for a while before I said.
“ I will never let that creep kill you do you understand that? I’ll do what ever it takes ok?”
She dried her tears on her sleeve and nodded. “How?” I could barely hear her. It sounded like she was trying to hold back more tears but I tried to ignore that fact.
“ I have a plan.” I whispered.
A look of puzzlement washed over her face.
“ What?” she asked still puzzled.
“ Earth.”
“ Earth?”
“ Yes. We are going to earth it’s the only safe place left. Come on get up we need to change.”
I stood up and took her by the hand but she pulled away.
“ No.” She said flatly. “ I’m not going to Earth. There are bugs and-and those things that whirl wind and dust and cows and stuff all over the place like on that one movie. And diseases! We could get sick and die before we even had a chance to fight off Chad!!” she looked almost purple from being so sick.
um yea thats all im going to put for now! and i was wondering do you think i should go back after im done with Nikki (the one telling the story) i should go to brandon?(a regulare boy she will soon meet at school and fall in love with) or should i wait tell she gets to school? thanks your hopeful friend flaming star
"RUN!!! Hurry go go go!!" I ushered her down behind my fathers throne. For a moment I was worried her neon blue skin and orange hair would give us away but quickly forgot about that when I heard Chad’s deep booming voice come into the room.
“Come out come out where ever you are my little princess.” He said then added. “If you be good then I’ll let you be my queen. I bet you would like that huh? Of course that little maid of yours will have to go but don’t be upset about a little thing like that.”
“Do it…now.” I whispered to Alex.
“NO!!!!!!!” It sounded just like me but from the next room over. You see Alex is a ventriloquist. She is better at it than anybody else in the whole kingdom.
“Ah. There you are my darling.” Chad was saying as he walked down the hallway into the other room. I peeked out behind the chair to see where he was. Gone. Good. I motioned with my hand for Alex to fallow me as I ran as quickly and quietly down the long hallway. We didn’t stop until we got to my bedchamber. I opened the door and walked in. Alex just stood outside the door.
“Ugh!” I cried in frustration. “Come on! No more princess crap! Get in here now!!” I pulled her in after me. She nodded once I closed the door and we went and sat n the gigantic pink bed of mine. Note to self if we live through this change bedclothes to green.
“Ok.” I said in a whisper. “You did great out there Alex but Chads not an idiot and will figure out soon enough that you tricked him.”
“ I know. I’m just still glad he hadn’t transformed yet. Its terribly hard to trick him then.” She told me in a non-whisper. I put my finger to my lips and she nodded. ”Sorry.” She whispered
Phew. I thought to my self. At least that’s over for now.
“ What do we do now. He already has your father and more than half the kingdom locked up! There’s nothing we can do. He’s going to find us kill me and use you to do and go wherever he wants when he wants!” she started to cry. And why shouldn’t she I thought she has every right to be scared I thought to myself.
I took her by the shoulders and gathered her into a hug. We stayed like that for a while before I said.
“ I will never let that creep kill you do you understand that? I’ll do what ever it takes ok?”
She dried her tears on her sleeve and nodded. “How?” I could barely hear her. It sounded like she was trying to hold back more tears but I tried to ignore that fact.
“ I have a plan.” I whispered.
A look of puzzlement washed over her face.
“ What?” she asked still puzzled.
“ Earth.”
“ Earth?”
“ Yes. We are going to earth it’s the only safe place left. Come on get up we need to change.”
I stood up and took her by the hand but she pulled away.
“ No.” She said flatly. “ I’m not going to Earth. There are bugs and-and those things that whirl wind and dust and cows and stuff all over the place like on that one movie. And diseases! We could get sick and die before we even had a chance to fight off Chad!!” she looked almost purple from being so sick.
um yea thats all im going to put for now! and i was wondering do you think i should go back after im done with Nikki (the one telling the story) i should go to brandon?(a regulare boy she will soon meet at school and fall in love with) or should i wait tell she gets to school? thanks your hopeful friend flaming star
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sorry about the title, I haven't thought of a name yet. Well, no one's posted anything in a while, and I got this idea and the words for the beginning and I just had to write it down so I wouldn't forget. I'll probably use the idea for nanowrimo this year, or something. Maybe not, I'm not sure :D Tell me what you think:
"Amberlynn? Bree--Bree's dead."
Slowly, I put my homework down as I mulled this over in my head. Mother always preferred to come right out and say things--especially the things that were the hardest to say. Usually this left you feeling like she'd run you over with a truck.
Today was a little different. It was more like Einstein telling me that the sky was actually not blue, but bright pink. It was shocking, but I knew Mother, like Einstein, would not joke about something like this.
When it was clear to my mother that I had no response to give, she closed the door and left swiftly, but not before I saw her face and the tears flowing down her cheeks. I realized then that my own eyes should be wet after hearing the news of my dead cousin, especially one who had lived in the same town as me. But I wasn't crying. In fact I didn't even feel very sad. Only thoughtful. I did feel very bad for Brielle, but I knew that wasn't the same thing. Somehow I just couldn't get myself to really feel remorse, as everyone else did.
I wandered out into the living room a few minutes later to find my sister crying on the couch. When she saw me she ran to me and hugged me fiercely as she struggled to suppress her sobs. At age thirteen, Ivy was three years younger than Bree was, but she had still been Bree's favorite cousin. They were always doing things together, and alone, if they could manage to sneak away from the younger cousins who were always begging Brielle to play with them. It had always seemed a little strange, since I was the one who was Bree's age, but I never did anything with her. We didn't even like each other all that much.
As the book goes on, Amberlynn (known as Lynn) will start to learn things about Brielle that she never knew, and realize there was more to her than she thought. By the end she'll wish she'd gotten to know her cousin.
Did I portray Amberlynn okay? I don't want her to seem like a terrible person, because she doesn't care that Brielle's dead, but I did need to show that she and Bree didn't have a very good relationship. So did I do okay?
"Amberlynn? Bree--Bree's dead."
Slowly, I put my homework down as I mulled this over in my head. Mother always preferred to come right out and say things--especially the things that were the hardest to say. Usually this left you feeling like she'd run you over with a truck.
Today was a little different. It was more like Einstein telling me that the sky was actually not blue, but bright pink. It was shocking, but I knew Mother, like Einstein, would not joke about something like this.
When it was clear to my mother that I had no response to give, she closed the door and left swiftly, but not before I saw her face and the tears flowing down her cheeks. I realized then that my own eyes should be wet after hearing the news of my dead cousin, especially one who had lived in the same town as me. But I wasn't crying. In fact I didn't even feel very sad. Only thoughtful. I did feel very bad for Brielle, but I knew that wasn't the same thing. Somehow I just couldn't get myself to really feel remorse, as everyone else did.
I wandered out into the living room a few minutes later to find my sister crying on the couch. When she saw me she ran to me and hugged me fiercely as she struggled to suppress her sobs. At age thirteen, Ivy was three years younger than Bree was, but she had still been Bree's favorite cousin. They were always doing things together, and alone, if they could manage to sneak away from the younger cousins who were always begging Brielle to play with them. It had always seemed a little strange, since I was the one who was Bree's age, but I never did anything with her. We didn't even like each other all that much.
As the book goes on, Amberlynn (known as Lynn) will start to learn things about Brielle that she never knew, and realize there was more to her than she thought. By the end she'll wish she'd gotten to know her cousin.
Did I portray Amberlynn okay? I don't want her to seem like a terrible person, because she doesn't care that Brielle's dead, but I did need to show that she and Bree didn't have a very good relationship. So did I do okay?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Writer's Digest

Writer's Digest holds a short story competition every month. They give you a prompt and the story must be 750 words or fewer, you can submit this through their website and the winner gets published in an issue of Writer's Digest. This month's prompt is:
"A 20-something man sits in a taxi in front of his parents' house, trying to find the strength to tell them that he (fill in the blank)."
The entries are due March 10th (I know that's short notice, but its still fun and there will be more).
Their website is also very cool, they have a lot of other competitions and tips and things on there that you should all go check out.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Vote for the worst first line of a novel
Entry #1
Title: NOT Crazy
Genre: fantasy/young adult???
They all said I was crazy, when I claimed to have seen a two faced walrus dragon with not just one, but two unibrows, not to mention clad in brown and yellow polka dotted bows - and all I could do was laugh - ha, ha, HA, for I knew what I had seen with my uneven rotten pineapple shaped pupils, and if they would not choose to taste the milkweed flavored truth then they would just have to whither in their own guilty insipidness of repulsive lies.
Entry #2
Genre: Suspense, thriller, walruseating, happy and fun.
At the movies the following Saturday, a predicament, inescapable as it was, allowed the little child to meet (being one of its upmost dreams)-and later be consumed by- a large, intelligent, French speaking dinosaur who peered out of its glasses with such delight with cheery eyes and a beautiful, almost persuasive smile, showing how interesting its personality could be.
Entry #3
Genre: Mystery
It was a dark and stormy, yet somehow sunny and warm night; the kind that ran shivers down another persons spine and made you sneeze your brains out.
Title: NOT Crazy
Genre: fantasy/young adult???
They all said I was crazy, when I claimed to have seen a two faced walrus dragon with not just one, but two unibrows, not to mention clad in brown and yellow polka dotted bows - and all I could do was laugh - ha, ha, HA, for I knew what I had seen with my uneven rotten pineapple shaped pupils, and if they would not choose to taste the milkweed flavored truth then they would just have to whither in their own guilty insipidness of repulsive lies.
Entry #2
Genre: Suspense, thriller, walruseating, happy and fun.
At the movies the following Saturday, a predicament, inescapable as it was, allowed the little child to meet (being one of its upmost dreams)-and later be consumed by- a large, intelligent, French speaking dinosaur who peered out of its glasses with such delight with cheery eyes and a beautiful, almost persuasive smile, showing how interesting its personality could be.
Entry #3
Genre: Mystery
It was a dark and stormy, yet somehow sunny and warm night; the kind that ran shivers down another persons spine and made you sneeze your brains out.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
ok so i started this book thinking it would end up to be this romance action with aliens and stuff so i tried to start it but it is like wrong does that make sence? but what ended up on the paper i think is good its just not what i wanted to what do i do do i keep it and just try again or do i just through that one away and start all over?
Logo Contest
Remember our logo contest. Bring your best logo with you to our meeting on Thursday.
1st contest
Yeah, I know I said I'd do this almost TWO WEEKS AGO!!!!! Sorry about the delay.
Introducing our first WOTW contest:
"World's Worst First Sentence of an Imaginary Novel"*
*inspired by the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest held by newspapers around the county.
Look here for winners of the 2008 Deseret News contest.
Look here for the national contest and related links.
Here are the ground rules for our contest:
Introducing our first WOTW contest:
"World's Worst First Sentence of an Imaginary Novel"*
*inspired by the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest held by newspapers around the county.
Look here for winners of the 2008 Deseret News contest.
Look here for the national contest and related links.
Here are the ground rules for our contest:
- Entries are limited to one sentence. That sentence, however, does not have a word limit. For the purposes of this contest, let's adopt the "more is more" approach.
- Please include the genre of your imaginary novel.
- You may submit more than one entry as long as each entry is a different genre.
- Liberal use of cliches, hyperbole, misplaced modifiers, parenthetical phrases, semi-colons, dashes and the word "suddenly" is highly encouraged.
- Have fun!
Submission guidelines:
- Submission deadline is Wednesday, February 4 at 10:00 p.m.
- Submit your entry as a comment in this post.
- On Thursday, February 5, I will paste all submissions into a new post. I will also set up a poll in the right side bar so you can vote for your favorite.
- The poll will be closed on Wednesday, February 11 at 10 p.m.
- The winner will get a small award during our meeting on February 12.
There you go! I hope you have fun with this one. Comment here if you have any questions.
Friday, January 16, 2009
What to do?
I'm not sure if the contest themes should be something strange and random to think about, or to be serious.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Moon of Malgharen
Hey, peoples! I've finally posted a bit of my book, Moon of Malgharen. It's in my own Blog at the moment (If I posted it in this one, it would probably just get in the way). Go to my Portfolio and click on the link at the bottom that says WOTW Story Post Blog. Enjoy!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Misty Night
Hey Misty Night are you from our school? Your profile says you're from Bear River. . . so I was just wondering.
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