Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vote for the worst first line of a novel

Entry #1

Title: NOT Crazy

Genre: fantasy/young adult???

They all said I was crazy, when I claimed to have seen a two faced walrus dragon with not just one, but two unibrows, not to mention clad in brown and yellow polka dotted bows - and all I could do was laugh - ha, ha, HA, for I knew what I had seen with my uneven rotten pineapple shaped pupils, and if they would not choose to taste the milkweed flavored truth then they would just have to whither in their own guilty insipidness of repulsive lies.

Entry #2

Genre: Suspense, thriller, walruseating, happy and fun.

At the movies the following Saturday, a predicament, inescapable as it was, allowed the little child to meet (being one of its upmost dreams)-and later be consumed by- a large, intelligent, French speaking dinosaur who peered out of its glasses with such delight with cheery eyes and a beautiful, almost persuasive smile, showing how interesting its personality could be.

Entry #3

Genre: Mystery

It was a dark and stormy, yet somehow sunny and warm night; the kind that ran shivers down another persons spine and made you sneeze your brains out.

Friday, February 20, 2009

War Of The Words Logo Contest

These are the "entries," shall we say, of the WOTW Creative Writing Club logo contest. Please leave a comment joyously proclaiming your choice. I would make a poll or something on the sidebar, but I am just a person without admin privileges and that would not work. :)